Alignment efficiency and three-dimensional assessment of root resorption after alignment with conventional and copper- nickel-titanium archwires: A randomized controlled trial
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Objective: To compare alignment efficiency and root resorption between nickel-titanium (NiTi) and copper-nickel-titanium (CuNiTi) archwires after complete alignment in mandibular anterior region. Methods: In this two-arm parallel single-blind randomized controlled trial, forty-four patients with Class I malocclusion with mandibular anterior crowding were recruited form orthodontic clinic of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Jodhpur, India). Patients were randomly allocated into NiTi and Cu- NiTi groups, with a 1:1 allocation. Alignment was performed using 0.014- in, 0.016-in,...
Autores: Navleen Kaur Bhatia, Vinay Kumar Chugh, Sam Prasanth Shankar, Ritvik Vinay A.P, Surjit Singh, Priyawati Moungkhom, Rinkle Sardana,
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar como o formato da arcada e o tamanho do contato interproximal deslocam os dentes inferiores submetidos a um componente anterior de força (CAF). Métodos: Nove modelos de elementos finitos (MEF) da arcada inferior foram desenvolvidos utilizando o software Ansys® v. 16.0. Eles foram projetados para avaliar os efeitos de três formatos de arcada (triangular, oval e quadrado) e três tamanhos de contato interproximal (ponto a ponto, 1 mm de...
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Leia maisObjetivo: Comparar os fios de níquel-titânio (NiTi) e de cobre-níquel-titânio (CuNiTi) quanto à eficiência do alinhamento e quantidade de reabsorção radicular, após alinhamento completo dos dentes da região anterior inferior. Métodos: Neste estudo clínico randomizado, cego, paralelo, de dois braços, quarenta e quatro pacientes com má oclusão Classe I e apinhamento anterior inferior foram recrutados na clínica ortodôntica do All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Jodhpur,...
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Leia maisObjective: To compare alignment efficiency and root resorption between nickel-titanium (NiTi) and copper-nickel-titanium (CuNiTi) archwires after complete alignment in mandibular anterior region. Methods: In this two-arm parallel single-blind randomized controlled trial, forty-four patients with Class I malocclusion with mandibular anterior crowding were recruited form orthodontic clinic of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Jodhpur, India). Patients were randomly allocated into NiTi...
Leia maisIntroduction: The benefits and safety of using orthodontic aligners have been reported more by clinical experience and expert opinion than by scientific evidence. Another important aspect is that aligners are constantly evolving. It is important to obtain evidence that allows for new updates in manufacturing technology, in the development of new movement planning protocols, in the incorporation and design of attachments, and in the aid of skeletal anchorage. Methods: Evidence retrieved from six...
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